Where Does Lost Airline Luggage Go?

by Melanie Peeples National Public Radio    The Transportation Security Administration screened 30 million people over the recent Thanksgiving holiday.    That’s a lot of suitcases for airlines to keep track of, and unfortunately, some are bound to get lost. So where does all that lost luggage end up? In a store called Unclaimed Baggage, in …

Rosalynn Carter’s Controversial Nanny

by Kathy Ehrich Dowd Time Magazine    Mary Prince, a Black woman who had been convicted of murder, was already a controversial figure at Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Presidential Inauguration.    Although she was incarcerated, Prince was given permission to travel to Washington, D.C. for the event and arrived in a dress made of material given …

Doctor Runs The Extra Mile To Do Surgery

by Kevin Burton Your favorite news source is going to bring you down chances are, with relentless bad news. So every now and then we celebrate the positive on Page 7. It’s an idea that comes from Philippians 4:8 (KJV) “Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just whatsoever …