Multiple English Idioms By The Numbers

by Dictionary Scoop

   In every language, there is a type of gem known as idioms that add spice to our conversations, relying on context and shared understanding to convey messages in a not-so-direct way.

   Today, we’ll explore ten idioms in English that play with numbers.

1 One-horse town

   Many idioms begin as a literal phrase that then acquires new nuances over time. That is the case with “One-horse town.”

   Initially, it described a settlement so small that a lone horse could cover the entire population’s needs.

   Even though horses are no longer the main means of transportation, the phrase has stuck. Yet, be careful; it can sometimes carry a bit of a negative connotation, as it may suggest that a place is boring or monotonous.

2-It takes two to tango

   You can perfectly understand this idiom when you see a couple dancing tango. Tango is a captivating Latin American dance and music style that’s all about pairs. In the dance, the couple stays inseparable, creating this fusion of harmony and teamwork.

   Today, the expression isn’t just about pairing up for activities; it can have a sneaky side, implying that these two folks might be up to something not entirely above board.

   The idiom has its origin in the title of a song. Although written and composed in 1952 by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning, the lyrics gained more popularity with Pearl Bailey’s version of the same year.

3-Three-ring circus

   Traditionally, circuses offered a show inside a ring or stage, and sometimes there was more than one ring in the same circus tent. With three rings, the situation could become confusing, as many performances were going on at the same time.

   Now that circus scene has made its way into everyday language. Today you can pull out this versatile phrase to describe any chaotic, messy, or overwhelming situation you find yourself in.

4-On all fours

   This idiom is used to describe moments when you’re down on hands and knees, either literally or figuratively. The expression is handy whether you’re crawling like a baby, striking a yoga pose, or finding yourself in a slightly subordinate situation.

   So, the next time you lose an earring or drop a fork under the table, you know what idiom to use to tell this anecdote.

   This idiom also has another meaning. In some contexts – often in legal matters – the expression “on all fours with” doesn’t refer to a physical position but figuratively illustrates that two things or situations are on equal footing, similar, or comparable.

5-Five-finger discount

   This one is the comedian of idioms, playfully implying that someone grabbed stuff without reaching for the wallet. The five-finger discount covers 100 percent, as it simply means to take something without paying for it.

   On most occasions, it is used to describe shoplifting, as it refers to picking something that fits in one’s hand.

   It’s a linguistic wink, a reminder that a touch of humor can sometimes soften the edges of a serious topic.

6-At sixes and sevens

   You have probably found yourself in a dilemma between two situations or options that involve a difficult decision to make . The more you think about it, the harder it becomes and the more chaos it generates.

   There is an idiom to describe this feeling of confusion or hesitation. When you don’t know which road to take, which movie to watch, or what flavor of ice cream to have today, you can say that you are “at sixes and sevens.”

   Though the exact origin of this saying isn’t clear, some experts believe it goes way back to a 14th-century game. Back then, pulling a 5 or 6 meant you were in for a risky, dicey move. Over time, the numbers for the expression evolved to 6 and 7, but the whole idea of disarray, confusion, and risk stuck.

7-In seventh heaven

   This idiom is all about happiness and positive energy. Bet you guessed it: its roots are found in the spiritual scene. In some belief systems, the seventh heaven is the highest – and, therefore, the best – place. It is a privileged site, full of delight.

  So, when someone says they’re in seventh heaven, it’s like they’re getting all the good stuff. No room for bad vibes or issues to worry about, just pure joy!

8-Behind the eight-ball

   Born in the 20th century, this idiom finds its origins in the game of billiards. Depending on the type of game, the player whose ball is behind the eight ball is in a seriously tricky spot with little chance of an easy escape .

When life puts you behind the eight ball, it means that you’re in a difficult position, in trouble, or facing a challenging situation where finding a way out is no piece of cake.

9-On cloud nine

   While there are some religious explanations for the origin of this expression, an alternative interpretation goes back to the classification of clouds made in the 20th century by the U.S. Weather Bureau. According to that list, the ninth cloud held the highest position. This might explain why the idiom is used to describe the top level of happiness you can experience.

  Much like in “seventh heaven,” being on cloud nine also implies a state of total euphoria. Used widely throughout the U.S., this phrase describes the kind of joy that makes you feel like you’re flying the skies floating.

When you get the job you want, when your crush accepts you on a date, or when you eat your favorite dish, you can proudly declare, “I’m on cloud nine!”

10-A perfect ten

   Who wouldn’t want to be a perfect ten? It’s like the golden standard. But let’s face it, getting there is not easy.

   This idiom has literal translations in many languages and, in most of them, it means the same thing: Whether in sports competitions, contests, or even in some universities and schools, hitting that perfect ten means you’ve aced it, you’ve reached the highest level.

   In everyday chit-chat, when you call something or someone a perfect ten, you’re putting the spotlight on their flawlessness, beauty, or efficiency . It’s the kind of compliment that can make your day, depending on the attitude and the tone you use to say it.

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