Use The Whole Armor Of God All Of The Time

by Kevin Burton    A policeman, a hockey goalie, a beekeeper, all of them use protective equipment to do their jobs. And they don’t leave part of that protection in their locker.    Even more so, a believer can’t afford to go into battle without taking all the weapons God has prepared for us. The …

A Defense Of The Resurrection For Easter

by Pastor Warren Wiersbe    If the gospel of John were an ordinary biography, there would be no chapter 20.    I am an incurable reader of biographies, and I notice that almost all of them conclude with the death and burial of the subject. I have yet to read one that describes the subject’s …

Your Christian Walk: War All Day, Every Day

by Kevin Burton    A lawyer asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment of all. But he wasn’t seeking information. This was spiritual warfare.    Here’s what Jesus said:    “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You …