Hope For The Castaway Through Jesus Christ

by Kevin Burton    To get a picture of what Christ has done for us, it helps to define the word “wilderness.”    Merriam-Webster says wilderness is “a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings.” That kind of wilderness may be wild, but it still has its potential. It just hasn’t been tended …

How You Doing With Spiritual Screen Time?

by Kevin Burton    Every Sunday around church time my iPhone sends me a message about screen time, how much time I have spent on the phone that week compared to other weeks.     I don’t care about the message. I didn’t ask for it and I have no use for that data.    Not …

No Such Thing As Truly Unanswered Prayer

by Kevin Burton    Parents don’t give children everything they want. They have reasons for saying no sometimes.    Your Heavenly Father is of course much wiser than earthly parents. So we shouldn’t be surprised sometimes, when even fervent prayers are met with silence.    “When we pray, we are engaging in the most precious …

Quiet Mornings With God, In My Corner

by Kevin Burton    There is a recliner in my corner, beaten, battered and blue.    On the night I received the keys to the Mancave I was told by the proprietor, “You can get rid of that.” But I kept the chair because it was beaten, battered and blue.    You see my late …

Speak Up Christian, Wherever You Are

by Kevin Burton    If you know the way, show the way.    This admonition for Christians to share the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, has been said many times and in many ways.    It’s amazing and scandalous that we – I include myself in this – don’t speak up …

True Heartbroken Soul-Searching Repentance

by Kevin Burton    From the tiny Old Testament book of Joel comes a big idea. It’s quite a good notion any time, perhaps more so on this New Year’s Eve.    If you’re doing some soul searching this time of year, you’re not alone.    Joel 2:13 is one of my memory verses. Alistair …

Why God Gives Us What He Gives Us

by Kevin Burton    The strength God supplies you, the material resources, the breath of life itself, were given for a reason.    Service.    There is joy in the Lord, but we as Christians  are not on a joyride here on earth. We have a job to do.    “For we are His workmanship, created …

Always Keep That Fire Of Prayer Burning

by Kevin Burton    From the book of Leviticus and the story of Old Testament sacrifices, comes a never-outdated concept of ongoing prayer to God.    This is in follow up to messages by Dane Massey the last two Sundays on Page 7 on the importance and difficulty of prayer. This week we hear from …

Prevailing Prayer Is Free, But It Will Cost You

by Dane Massey      (Dane Massey is the former Pastor of Mulvane Christian Church. He is now in ministry in Houston, Texas.)      Matthew Henry said, “When God intends great mercy for His people, He sets them a-praying.”     Indeed, when God wants anything accomplished in His kingdom, He moves men to pray. God is …

The Discipline Of Prayer Is The Hardest

by Dane Massey    (Dane Massey is the former Pastor of Mulvane Christian Church. He is now in ministry in Houston, Texas.)      Spent this week thinking on fervent, earnest, effectual, prevailing, passionate prayer.  It has taken God forty-some years, three godly women who are now with Him, and adversities without number to develop in …